Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

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Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda martin67 » 29 apr 2017, 10:08

1970 Lima introduced a new line of bogie tankers. I will try to start a collector's guide for those models.

The catalogue of 1970 showed some renderings of a new bogie tanker which prooved to be rather successful over the years. I can't figure out when this model finally showed up in the shops, since until 1973 those painted images were in the catalogue. But, Lima back then was quite fast with novelties, so at least 1971 should be realistic. Talking about the models itself, well, there's not so much that can be done wrong with a tanker. The model indeed looks like a tanker. But, Lima did some odds. The models had a sun roof, no matter, if it was a gas tanker (correct) ore a tanker for liquids (incorrect). The bogies were sort of strange, the long wheelbase close to a passenger coach bogie, looking somewhat similar to a Y25 bogie, but not really. Maybe it was good for a toy layout in the 70's, but for railway modelers? Lima could do better.

There were gas tankers and liquid tankers. The difference was the presence of a ladder and platform (dome) on the liquid tankers. Nothing else.

2901 FS Agipgas (even if it states gas this model featured a dome), silver with paper stickers (easy to be removed/lost, hard to find in perfect condition)


2902 FS Pibi gas (even if it states gas this model featured a dome), green with paper stickers (easy to be removed, hard to find in perfect condition). The model shown seems to be from a very late series, since it already features an inscription board stating flammable liquids with no railway company mentioned.


2903 FS LIQUIGAS (even mentionig gas it has a dome), silver with red printing. This one is one of the rarer in the series of early tankers.


2904 FS Butan Gas (the first real gas tanker), yellow, black lettering, rather common


2905 SNCF KUHLMANN, white with green lettering (very common)


2906 SNCF Marcel Millet orange band and blue lettering


2907 SNCF Pechiney St. Gobain, silver with blue lettering (rare)


2908 SNCF Calorigaz (catalogues state Lalorigas, what's correct?), white with black lettering (rare)


The next part will show the second issues.


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda martin67 » 29 apr 2017, 10:10

Part Two - New Issues

In 1975 the 2901 Agip was replaced by a siver BUTAGAZ


Also in 1975 the 2903 Mobiloil replaced the 2903 LIQUIGAS


1974 brought the 2904 Shell Covengas to replace the yellow Butan Gas


2905 Kuhlmann just changed its colour to orange in 1974. From this point the gas tankers without dome and ladder had no handrails on the brakeman's platform anymore. Mine has, just because I put them on.


The 2906 Marcel Millet also changed colour in 1974


Also in 1974 the St. Gobain was dropped and replaced by 2907 Esso Red


1973 marked the introduction of additional models. The British 2911 Pfizer tanker was initially shown with red solebars, but made with a entirely black frame.


1976 brought more changes, 2912 Golden Fleece was made for the Australian market


Also in 1976 Lima introduced a 2914 Renfe Butano tanker for the Spanish market in orange.


Part 3 will follow up soon and show more 1976 and later models.


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda martin67 » 29 apr 2017, 10:11

Part Three - More Tankers

Around 1976 Lima changed the 2904 Shell again. "Covengas" was skipped and replaced by the long lived "Shellgas", which was produced almost unchanged until the mid 90's.


2915 was mainly produced for the slowly growing Austrian market, ÖMV (= Österreichische Mineralöl Verwaltung). With its grey colour it looked much closer to real tankers than the others.


2919 "Max Meyer", a rather attractive red/black tanker. Shortlived, therefore one of the rarer ones.


2921 was the highest number in the series. The orange/black SBB "Uetikon" is really handsome and had an orange inscription board with SBB markings.


This is not the end....


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda martin67 » 29 apr 2017, 10:12

British Tankers

Let's start with the 2911 "Pfizer" again, we already had it before, but this was the first of all British tankers. We remember, from 1973 Lima produced H0 scale models for the British market. Lima did not care so much about the smaller clearance of British Railways, so the continetal tankers looked quite out of scale in the British H0 range.


In 1975 the 2911 "Milk" replaced the "Pfizer". The model shown is actually from the OO-range, which doesn't matter as it's actually the same model with Hornby-couplings after 1977. The black data board states something like "Flammable Liquides", even if this is a milk tanker.


2913 "Amoco", also from the HO range before 1976.


After the SNCF "Calorigaz" was removed from the catalogue, number 2908 was available again. Lima introduced the silver ESSO tanker in the OO range. The catalogues and also "Ramsey's guide" state a white version of this model, although I've never seen one and I actually doubt that Lima really made them in white.


2909 "TOTAL"


2916 "TEXACO" in two different versions, one for the British OO range, the other one was in the continental range with HO couplings.




Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda martin67 » 29 apr 2017, 10:13

Last Part

This is the last part of the collector's guide to Lima bogie tankers. There are another four models not yet mentioned.

Lima produced another 2904 tanker, which I believe is a promotional item for Linde Gas. It already has the smaller NEM couplings, so it was definately made after 1986. This model has a dangerous goods board printed to the inscription board instead of wagon data.


30 2916 AGIP replaced the British Texaco tanker and also has NEM couplings.


30 2905 FS Ausiliare was originally sold in a set with other Ausiliare wagons, later also sold separately (1994)


And finally, the rarest bogie tanker of them all, 20 2918 NdeM (Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico). Until now I could not find it in any of the catalogues. I suppose it was made around 1983. This is a very odd piece, since it's the only European style item for the American market (except some starter set models and 1960's coaches). There were only three other NdeM models made by Lima (Alco C420 Diesel, brown reefer, sand coloured caboose).


By the mid 90's the moulds of these tankers were rebuilt and received a short coupling mechanism. Those models had more prototypical "Minden-Dorstfeld" bogies. Unfortunately, I don't have any of these later models, so I can't show them here. But, be invited to add them to this thread.


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda merlotrento » 29 apr 2017, 22:41

ComplimentI!!!! [nopity.gif]

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Iscritto il: 1 apr 2011, 21:05

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda berto75 » 30 apr 2017, 22:19

applause1 applause1 applause1 :yahoo: ottimo lavoro di classificazione MARTIN !! è incredibile la varietà di livree proposte dalla lima per questo modello di carro cisterna !!!
la filosofia ricorrente nella casa vicentina era quella di far sì che ogni tipo di carro prodotto fosse proposto nelle più disparate livree ! (in molti casi anche fantasiose )
-4- a tutti berto75

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Iscritto il: 18 mar 2014, 20:37

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda Giorgio » 2 mag 2017, 9:33

Wow Martin,

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Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda kokomo » 3 mag 2017, 20:09

Awesome set Martin! :yahoo:

Just one request, if possible: from the size of the pictures (800x600) some wagon data on the black panel is not readable, would it be possible for you to write it down or increase the size of the photo so as to read it?

Piccolo blog LIMA (in costruzione)

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Iscritto il: 4 lug 2014, 16:38

Re: Carri Cisterne 29xx (completa) per LT

Messaggioda martin67 » 3 mag 2017, 21:12

Allright, let's have a try:

2901 Agipgas


2903 Liquigas


2904 Butan Gas


2904 Shell Covengas


2905 Kuhlmann


2906 Marcel Millet


2907 St. Gobain


2908 Calorigaz (Lima apparently used a wrong St. Gobain sign on this model. Calorigaz is possible, too)


2911 British Pfizer, note the anchor (Ferry Wagon)


2921 Uetikon


2904 Linde (225 - 1073 stands for "Oxygene, refrigerated, liquid)


2905 Ausiliare


All others use this one:


Have a nice day,


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

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